These times of COVID-19 show us that we can and have to do things differently. Since a couple of years I am working as CHRO and CIO to ensure organizations combination of human potential and technical innovation.  Because by using technology and innovation wisely we have a great opportunity to unlock our human potential. And these times show us that we need our human skills more than ever. Watch my presentation at Suits & Stories. Through a webinar because of the intelligent lockdown.

De toekomst
van werken

Er wordt al jaren geschreven over de toekomst van werk. Maar is die er niet al lang? We kunnen er naar blijven kijken of over blijven nadenken maar we kunnen ook gewoon gaan doen!

Let's Connect

Are you looking for an inspiring speaker, do you want to have research done into what your future of work looks like or do you need advice and help with implementation? Please contact us.

Please contact us using the contact form below to schedule a no-obligation introductory meeting.