De markt piept en kraakt. Overal is een tekort aan medewerkers en alles wordt uit de kast gehaald om mensen te werven, te binden en te boeien. Hogere salarissen of sign-up bonussen worden aangeboden om maar te zorgen dat we het tekort aan mensen kunnen invullen.  De ICT-sector staat aan kop qua tekorten maar ook de energietransitie hapert omdat wij niet voldoende geschoolde mensen hebben die kunnen zorgen dat we zonnepanelen, windenergie en warmtepompen kunnen uitrollen. Schiphol heeft ons de hele zomer verbaast en in de horeca gaan restaurants een aantal dagen per week dicht.

What I totally miss in the discussion is the role of technology! The HR manager is working overtime to recruit people, but where is the role of the CTO? After all, which tasks can be replaced by technology? I don’t believe in robots taking over our work, but tasks they can certainly fill. And often tasks where our human potential does not need to be at its strongest immediately. So in this market of labour shortage, why not also look to technology for this problem? We can often start already by solving the administrative work with technology, leaving time for other things. The delivery robot has also already been developed. Less personal but if it means you get your food delivered faster and the staff have time to give you personal advice, I’m sure you get used to it very quickly. Drones can help in the energy transition, and so there is an example in every sector.

As chief human and technology offer, I connect both HR and IT to create opportunities. My personal goal? To use the human potential of employees even more and let technology serve. Are you interested in how I do that? Then email me!

De toekomst
van werken

Er wordt al jaren geschreven over de toekomst van werk. Maar is die er niet al lang? We kunnen er naar blijven kijken of over blijven nadenken maar we kunnen ook gewoon gaan doen!

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